The Galactic Appeal Of ‘Star Wars’

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When “Star Wars: A New Hope” was first released at the tail end of the ‘70s, only George Lucas and a handful of people who worked on the production thought it was going to attain some measure of success.

Today, 40 years later, Star Wars has become one of the most profitable franchises in film history. From its feature films to TV shows to merchandise, it seems that almost everything “Star Wars” sells. It has an appeal that most franchises do not.

Below is a closer look at why people simply love “Star Wars.”

It’s more than just good versus evil.

While there are heroes and villains in “Star Wars,” they are more than one-dimensional. Anakin Skywalker is the best example of this. He turns to the Dark Side, but still retains some good in him, which Luke later brought out. There are also Sith Lords who have varying degrees of evil. Then there are supporting characters such as Lando Calrissian and Boba Fett, who have “adjustable” loyalties.

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The action sequences are gripping as they are spectacular.

Whether it’s a huge dogfight along the orbit of a moon or a duel between two great Force masters, or if it’s an infiltration team trying to rescue characters or blow up a facility, the action sequences of “Star Wars” are a sight to behold. Add to that the fantastic musical score, and we have the most thrilling action scenes in sci-fi history.

Bob Mims, CPA, has previous experience as a basketball coach. He is also a huge ‘Star Wars’ fan. Learn more about him and the stuff he loves by checking out this blog.